Who Ya’ Gonna Trust?

On a recent trip from Baltimore to Milwaukee, I was in a bit of a rush to get home.  We found ourselves in a quickly-moving pack of three vehicles on the Ohio turnpike.  V1 Gen2 gave a couple quick K chirps.  About as soon as we got our speed adjusted, the Volkswagen next to us was in the crosshairs of the Ohio State Patrol.  

In my family, we were big users of Escort detectors for many years.  Ariel Bravy on Vortex Radar made a statement that stuck with me: “If you are getting tickets, it’s a bad detector.”  After spending much more money with the E brand than I did with Mike on my V1G2, the only place I was getting Escorted to was the courtroom.  After enough attorney fees, I learned.  I will never again mount anything but a V1 on my windshield.  

Luka Jankovic
Rubicon, WI