Pandemic Congestion, Now With Laser

I purchased my Valentine One three years ago and I’ve wondered from the beginning, why does it have laser protection? Lasers are nothing like radar; lasers use light. It will be completely blocked, or reflected, by the object it is pointed at, leaving no chance for the beam to strike my detector. Wouldn’t the manufacturer of far and away the best radar

Many have said that atmospheric scattering of laser’s light is enough for detection. I’m not a laser physicist, but I was wary of this explanation. Detectors capable of finding this scattered light would have to be very sensitive.

Recently, lawmen in my area have begun to use laser. As I was driving to school one morning, I got a laser hit. After a moment, I saw the source, a motorcycle cop standing in the bike lane with a handheld laser gun. I looked at my speedo, a whopping 27 in a 35. Morning congestion has become pandemic. I thought nothing more of it, except to wonder if they were going to actually catch anyone.

On the drive home, on a city street posted 35mph, I spotted a Crown Vic on the shoulder. The officer was using laser. As I approached he fired his gun at the car in front of me, then at me; the Valentine One warned on both of them. As he pulled out after a car about ten back of me, I realized what V1 had done.

This time I saw the cop way off, and had direct line of sight through car windows each time the V1 screamed out to warn me of the threat. This morning I had been four cars back when V1 first warned. There was no line of sight to the gun. I didn’t even see the officer until I was passing him.

That means that I had a usable laser detector all along, in my trusty Valentine One. Were all these stories of scattered light true? Be it dust in the atmosphere, shiny cars, shaky-handed operators, I don’t really care. Somehow, it works. And something tells me that, Mike, you knew about this all along.

Thanks for such a superior product,

Kyle Grund
San Jose, CA

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