So That’s What It Does
I had been using V1 Gen1 for decades and finally decided to update to V1 Gen2. All these years my wife thought my detectors were wastes of money. But that was then. On our way to dinner one evening, we were driving on I-59 South towards Slidell, Louisiana. Approximately two miles short of Pearl River, … continued
Undefeated Season
I was driving back home to Boston after a weekend with friends watching March Madness games down in DC, V1 Gen2 on duty, of course. It was late and black dark when I hit I-95 in Rhode Island. Traffic was sparse and I was cruising easy. Then V1 spoke up. I couldn’t make out anything … continued
Is Schadenfreude Always Wrong?
Heading from San Francisco to Tahoe on U.S. Route 50, I kept getting passed by a 4Runner on the flat stretches, only to have him slow so much up the hills it was like he was trying to back into me. What followed was a tedious cycle, him passing, then me passing, then him again, … continued
One More Believer Added To the List
I was headed North on I-85 from Charlotte about midnight. One of my passengers stated that any speed in excess of 80mph in the state of North Carolina was an automatic driver-license suspension. “You put a lot of faith in that little box on your windshield, don’t you” he said. About a mile ahead, a … continued
Sometimes What’s Behind Is In Your Future
Just this week I was traveling from Albany to Binghamton, NY, on I-88, the cruise control set at only my confessor will know. There were a few vehicles to my rear, half-mile to a mile back. I started getting chirps–bogey behind! I kept watching but nothing was gaining on me. The chirping continued, however, just … continued
Intimacy on the Interstate
Day before Thanksgiving, I head off to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, through the desert on I-15. My V1 Gen2 (a.k.a. known as The Precious) routinely gives me insanely long-range detection in the flat desert terrain, sometimes up to seven miles away. As I start the downhill approach to Stateline, the border town between Nevada … continued
Midnight Revenuers in Oblivion, NV
We were northbound out of Las Vegas on I-15 heading toward St. George, Utah, when traffic just stopped. After a couple of frustrating hours, we abandoned the Interstate to improvise a route through nighttime desert. After another two hours through nowhere at speeds ranging from 50 to 75 mph, we came into the little town … continued
Waze or A Radar Detector, You Decide
There are quite a few who believe all you need is Waze. But Waze won’t protect you from a patroller with moving radar! For example, I was driving along the I-95 Corridor in the Northeast earlier today. My Valentine 1 Gen2 started giving Ka warnings from the rear. A minute later, a car passed me … continued
Blue Sky, Chance of Radar
I was on Washington 522 in a fast red car, pushing it a little, yeah, but nothing that would arouse the posse. V1 beeped and I got wary, moved to the right lane and set the cruise at 55. All the vehicles I had overtaken began streaming by me in the left lane. Ahead, … continued
So That’s What Long-Range Means
I bit the bullet and upgraded my trusty Gen1 V1 to a Gen2 model. First morning, leaving for work, it was alerting Ka band coming down a side street toward our main road through town. Almost always a Ka alert around here is enforcement. I approach the intersection and scan left, right and on ahead. … continued