Opting for a Good-Neighbor policy

It’s been two years since I sold my Valentine One. What came over me, you ask? Well, I sold my Porsche, so I didn’t need a radar detector, right?

The friend to whom I sold the V1 tells me all the time of how it has saved his ham hocks. On a recent trip to Nebraska and back, we took his V1 (my ex-) and drove my truck. Man, I forgot how much I enjoyed having that safety net.

During the drive, my friend said something profound—he considered V1 to be an insurance policy. What?!

Actually, I’m an insurance agent, and his comment is very sensible. It’s all about risk management. I advise my clients to buy insurance to reduce their risk. Why not reduce my risk by having a V1?

Well, guess what? I just ordered my insurance policy. Now sing it with me—you know the jingle—“Like a good neighbor, V1 is there.”

Jay Hwang
Durango, CO

Orders placed after 11:00 am Eastern time on Wednesday, February 26th will ship Monday March 3rd.