Speed wasn’t his mistake
This is the second time in 40 years I have been stopped for speeding. I was on the Interstate in Georgia. We were driving an unfamiliar rental car and after stopping for fuel, I accidentally disconnected my V1, which I did not realize until a half-hour later when I was hauled over for 83 in … continued
They were hunters and they were hunting
Dateline–New Jersey Garden State Parkway, southbound at 7:00am: Fourties, 4 State Troopers along a 90-mile stretch, all hidden in ambush, all running instant-on radar. My Valentine warned me each time, way in advance, and saved me four of those dreaded roadside conversations and at least 10 points. Love this detector! Larry Chaityn New York, NY
Impatience and no V1, tsk, tsk
This is eerily similar to a V1 Moment you ran a few months ago. I drive a new Corvette and everyone wants to race away from stoplights. Sorry, pal, but I save my racing for the track, thank you. On my way to a nearby beach a few days ago I was cruising at a … continued
Two eyes are good, V1 is better
This has happened to me twice. I regularly make a road trip from Canon City, CO, to Grand Junction to visit on my parents. Heading west on highway 50 between the towns of Montrose and Delta there’s a section of highway where the speed limit drops to 55, then to 45 before coming to a … continued
When GPS is too smart by half
Near my home is a high school. The town decided to install one of those annoying speed monitors that tell how fast you are going. For some reason, in their infinite wisdom, they put the monitor beyond the school zone where you’re heading away from the place you should be cautious. My old GPS-enabled detector … continued
It was a long-distance call
South of Moab, UT, I passed two cars. Pretty soon V1 barked, so I throttled back. The two cars left me behind like a bad idea. The valley ahead looked to be about five miles across, and as I approached the crest on the other side, the two cars were about a half mile ahead. … continued
He had an Ordinary Detector
Cruising down the turnpike in my Stingray, V1 alerts me to radar ahead. Then it bumps up the count to two. I ease back as does the Mustang in the next lane. He has a detector, but not a V1. A trooper goes by in the other direction and my V1 still shows two, now … continued
No means no
I drive an BMW M5. I love it. The only problem with driving an M5 is that everyone who pulls up next to you wants to race, maybe just to see how fast I can pull away. The other night I was cruising down a local boulevard, windows down, enjoying the weather. A guy pulls … continued
Three’s a crowd
Outside of Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington State sits a little town called Roy. Roy has a population of 900 and an embarrassment of law-enforcement riches. The State Patrol uses KA band but the Pierce County sheriffs Roy’s local enforcers use the old K band. What makes Roy difficult is the use of flashing K-band … continued
When V1 speaks, listen up
I had a V1 back in the early 2000s. Loved it, but life changed and it got lost in a move. Fast forward to now; I bought a Porsche 911, so it’s V1 time again. Road-trip time, too. Cruising up the freeway, I start getting some seemingly random Ka hits. Too random to take seriously, … continued
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