A 1994 V1 Trounces Passport 8500
Here’s the scene: my buddy and I had just gotten my car from the shop and were cruising home in our respective vehicles, he armed with the Passport 8500 (he got sold on some ridiculous internet detector tests), and me packing a January, 1994-made Valentine One. I pick up a distant K threat and start … continued
Ambush Masked by a Shopping Mall
I was travelling in a group of ten cars, from Atlanta Motor Speedway to Pennsylvania. Passing through the Carolinas in the wee hours, the predominant radar seemed to be X-Band. Very unusual. A friend and I we’re leading the pack, which was travelling. Other vehicles latched onto our group over time, and as we neared … continued
Benign commercial gadgets or full-frontal attack?
Suburbia. The Strip-Mall Zone. I was passing through it on my escape from the City, heading back to the Open Road. Traffic was beginning to thin, the pace was picking up. V1 was showing multiple alarms, but they were off to the sides: automatic door openers, no problem. Nice to know where they are though … continued
A False? No, Something More Insidious
After using a standard detector (read: any brand other than Valentine) for several years and receiving substandard performance (read: tickets), I researched the market and concluded the V1 was the only one which offered the insurance I was looking for: comprehensive coverage. Proof came on a recent interstate trip, accompanied by a good friend not … continued
Three-Hundred Horsepower
I’m the proud owner of a 2001 Cadillac DTS. I pay enough in registration fees and taxes without paying more in “supplementals” to a greedy state that writes one million traffic tickets a year. I was driving south on Vasco Road, a serene two-lane highway in northern California, surrounded by windmill farms and rolling hills. … continued
Cover Your Six, or Have Your License Ready
This one takes place in the California Mohave desert, roughly 50 miles from the Arizona border. Myself and four fellow Toyota Supra owners were driving our very modified cars home from the Los Angeles Sports Car Meet. We were cruising through the desert at a clip, well, I’ll be discreet. But with all five of … continued
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