Who Ya’ Gonna Trust?
On a recent trip from Baltimore to Milwaukee, I was in a bit of a rush to get home. We found ourselves in a quickly-moving pack of three vehicles on the Ohio turnpike. V1 Gen2 gave a couple quick K chirps. About as soon as we got our speed adjusted, the Volkswagen next to us … continued
A Pal That Watches My Six
I was in my normal cruise mode heading to work yesterday on the Maine turnpike when V1 G2 told me of a weak Ka-band behind. I throttled back a few notches and kept a close eye on the mirror. The warning was on and off. After several minutes of this, I finally spotted the bear … continued
Even Better Than Avoiding a Ticket
While traveling southbound on Interstate 15, V1 Gen2 spoke up. I checked my speed and eased into the slower-traffic lane to avoid, well, I hardly have to say. Within a few seconds, to my astonishment, I observed an oncoming vehicle traveling in the lane I had just vacated. This vehicle was being pursued by multiple … continued
All It Takes Is a Big One
I am a used car dealer, in and out of different vehicles. Twenty years ago, early morning on sunny day, smooth two-lane blacktop in a Pontiac Trans Am six-speed, slow truck in front of me…I pass the truck, getting into 6th gear. The Trans Am in 6th at light throttle would ease along at about … continued
Driving Through the Gauntlet Every Day
I work 12-hour shifts 60 miles from home. There are numerous speed zones. I pass at least three state cops, and more locals, on the way. I’m just a middle-aged mom trying to make a living, and not a reckless person at all. Despite this, having to drive with out-of-state plates through a gauntlet of … continued
Two Choices, Either V1 Gen2 or the Welcome Wagon
My daily commute takes me through downtown of a small North Carolina city. There is only one route through town. It goes around a short curve and then it’s all downhill to town. An officer occasionally sits where the road levels off, saying hello to all comers with his radar. I will get a Ka … continued
The Land Of The Lurking LEOs
I was westbound, returning home on interstate 90 through Wyoming after a jaunt into middle America. It was dark out and V1 Gen2 beeped a few times on Ka-band. Ka is serious stuff and I immediately eased back to 80, the speed limit in this state. About 0.8 of a mile later, more squawks on … continued
Lasting Goodness
There is only one thing I still own from back in the 90s, my old V1. It’s not my original—that one was stolen in a parking lot—smart guy, V1 was the only thing he took. I replaced it and have used this one ever since. I believe it’s passed the million-mile mark now. And the … continued
The Things You Do For A Friend
I told my good friend about radar detectors and advised him to get the V1 Gen2. Two weeks later he hands me a new Escort Max and asks me to test it for him. Duh! After giving him the most penetrating stare I could muster on such short notice, I finally agreed. In search of an … continued
Think Long Range Only Longer, Much Longer
When COVID kicked in we began commuting between Austin, TX and Denver, CO. It’s roughly a thousand-mile drive and we do this every six weeks or so. With V1 Gen2, it’s been astonishing just how many times we get an alert MILES before seeing the source. At first, my wife didn’t understand why I wasn’t … continued