1. Check power-cord connections. Check fuse in lighter adapter (Is it in place? Is it blown?) See page 9 in owner’s manual.
      2. Check contact of Adapter in lighter socket.
      3. Make sure power is available at lighter socket. Does the lighter work? If not, check fuse in car lighter circuit.
      4. Try another power cord.
      5. Make sure the power cord to V1 Gen2 is plugged into the Main jack of the Lighter Adapter.
      6. Check pins of V1 Gen2’s power jack (bent?).

      1. Try different connecting cords; each must have four conductors

      1. Make sure Lighter Adapter has good electrical contact.
      2. Check condition of power cord.
      3. Lighter socket may be faulty (common in rental cars).

      1. See your mechanic.

      1. Make sure front and rear antennas are unobstructed.
      2. Make sure V1 Gen2 is approximately level.
      3. See page 28 in the Owner’s Manual.

      1. Switch the V1 Gen2 off and back on.
      2. Contact the service department if the E display persists.

      1. Make sure your windshield is not covered with a metallic film (some cars have them for de-icing or as a solar barrier).

      1. Do not operate V1 Gen2 in close proximity to other detectors.

      1. Replace power cord. If using Concealed Display, make sure Mute button is not depressed

      1. Press and hold Mute button to change modes. See page 4 in Owner’s Manual.

      1. Replace power cord.

      1. Relocate V1 Gen2.
      2. Change modes to Advanced-Logic (L).
      3. Change cell-phone service provider.

      1. Relocate radio antenna.

      1. Switch to normal cruise control instead of laser.
      2. Relocate V1 Gen2 so laser sensor is not pointed toward navigation screen, or rain-sensing wipers.
      3. See page 25 in the Owners Manual or our Laser False Alarms page.

Orders placed after 12:00 PM, Friday, January 17, 2025 will ship on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.